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These are our IT talents

Talent has no origin, no age, and no gender

Anyone with talent and passion can find their way into IT. Regardless of their resume or life story. Just take a look at the stories of our talents and you will realize how different each one of them is.

Success stories

Talent has many faces.
These are their stories.

You would certainly like to know who has applied to us and successfully mastered the path. You are probably interested in who your future colleagues might be. Let us introduce you to some of them. These are our talents and their very own stories.


“IT has always been my thing.”

From Physics to System Engineer for Network Solutions - that was the best decision for Max. Not only was he unhappy in his old job, but his passion for IT was the deciding factor.

Maximilian Psotta

Maximilian Psotta
29 years old, development engineer

“gotoitcareer took me by the hand.”

Ann-Christine proves that the change from teacher to IT expert is possible. Moving from a rigid system to a dynamic and exciting IT world was a complete success for her.

Ann-Christine Vortkamp

Ann-Christine Vortkamp
31 years old, teacher

“Just do it and dare to do it.”

As a business economist, Michael already had contact with IT and had basic programming skills, which helped him to successfully enter the IT industry and get off to a flying start.

Michael Wittum

Michael Wittum
35 years old, business economist

“IT surrounds us all today. IT is in our pocket.”

Björn has had an affinity for IT for a long time, but never found the right approach to the IT industry - until he came across gotoitcareer and was able to turn his dream into reality.

Björn McCreight

Björn McCreight
38 years old, Sales Engineer


I applied to gotoitcareer because I was pretty unhappy in my job.


Women in Tech

50% of gotoitcareer applicants
are female

The tech industry is still heavily dominated by men. It is very important to us to encourage women to take the step into IT. We are therefore very pleased that half of our applicants are female.


Women in tech professions

gotoitcareer (female applicants)

Women are still heavily underrepresented in tech professions. However, more and more companies are attaching importance to women finding their way into IT. It is also important to us that we give women as well as men access to the tech industry. That's why we are pleased to have a far above-average proportion of female applicants.

Facts and numbers

Only 19% of all tech jobs are held
by women.

According to Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, only 19% of all tech occupations in the EU were held by women in 2021. Bulgaria is the absolute leader in the EU with over 28%.



Women in the tech industry in Germany earn on average 25% less than men in the same positions *


The proportion of women in the german tech industry is only 16%, which is still below the EU-wide average *


Only 10% of top management positions are currently held by women *

* Honeypot, Frauen in der IT-Branche; Exploding Topics, 74+ Shocking Women in Tech Statistics (2022)

IT is an amazing industry for both men and women. Our goal is to make it easier for women to enter the tech industry.

Let's bring
the world
back into

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We want to both increase the proportion of women in the IT world, but also address salary imbalances.


Frequently asked questions


Are the numbers of women working in tech rising or falling?

Until two years ago, the percentage of women in the tech industry was slowly but steadily increasing; unfortunately, this trend has reversed. In the last two years, the proportion of women in the IT world has fallen by a total of 2.1%.

What is the global percentage of Women in Tech?

Worldwide, 26.7% of IT positions are held by women.

Which countries lead the world regarding the proportion of women in IT?

Australia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Romania and the Scandinavian countries are among the world leaders when it comes to the proportion of women in IT. But USA and Canada are not doing badly either.